Snappin' Jimmy Bob

Snappin' Jimmy Bob
Location Downtown Colorado Springs
Related Faction ??

Snappin' Jimmy Bob is an NPC and Merchant in Wasteland 3. NPCs and Merchants are characters in the game that can be interacted with. These characters add contrast to the game's lore, they can provide information and useful items, some play an important role in the game when it comes to missions, while the others can be recruited as a Companion.



Snappin' Jimmy Bob Information


Snappin' Jimmy Bob Related Missions

  • Mission Title 1
  • Mission Title 2
  • Mission Title 3


Snappin' Jimmy Bob Notes & Trivia

  • ??
  • Other notes, tips, and trivia go here.



Wasteland 3 Merchants
Ananda Rabindranath  ♦  B.B. Gun  ♦  Bartender  ♦  Bartender Finn  ♦  Doc Parker  ♦  Dr. Cold Cuts  ♦  Fastback  ♦  Gwyn Talbot  ♦  Inspector Delgado  ♦  Jimmie Longhaul  ♦  Josiah Casady  ♦  Mary Milk-Teeth  ♦  Masato  ♦  Mobile Gift Shop  ♦  Opie  ♦  Sister Nancy Forge  ♦  The Great Gurn  ♦  The Sanctified Piscitelli  ♦  V.I.C.I.  ♦  Vendomatic 2000!  ♦  Vivisecto, RN  ♦  Vivisector, RN

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