Strike Rate

How quickly you build up your Strike Meter. When your meter is full, you can unleash a special ability.
 Type Stat

Strike Rate is a Stat in Wasteland 3. Strike Rate indicates how quickly you build up your Strike Meter. When your meter is full, you can unleash a special ability. Stats can be affected by the AttributesSkills, Perks, Backgrounds, and Quirks selection during the Character Creation. Also, weapons, Armor, and items affects Stats to.


Strike Rate Effect

  • How quickly you build up your Strike Meter. When your meter is full, you can unleash a special ability.


How to increases Strike Rate:


Notes and Tips:

  • Note and tips goes here...
  • ??


Action Points  ♦  Action Points (Max)  ♦  Armor Stat  ♦  Cold Damage Bonus  ♦  Cold Resistance  ♦  Combat Speed  ♦  Con  ♦  Con Per Level  ♦  Constitution  ♦  Crit Resistance  ♦  Critical Chance  ♦  Critical Damage  ♦  Detection Time  ♦  Downed Time  ♦  Energy Damage Bonus  ♦  Energy Resistance  ♦  Evasion  ♦  Experience Bonus  ♦  Explosive Damage Bonus  ♦  Explosive Resistance  ♦  Fire Damage Bonus  ♦  Fire Resistance  ♦  Healing Bonus  ♦  Hit Chance  ♦  Initiative  ♦  Leadership Range  ♦  Melee Damage Bonus  ♦  Normal Damage Bonus  ♦  Penetration  ♦  Perception  ♦  Quick Slots  ♦  Radiation Resistance  ♦  Ranged Damage Bonus  ♦  Sneak Attack Damage  ♦  Status Effect Resistance  ♦  Throwing Range


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    • Anonymous

      There is literally no f**** information on the internet about the strike "skills" you receive by equipping X weapon no ingame information nothing what a flaw.

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