Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau

Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau
Type Outfit

Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau is an Outfit in Wasteland 3. Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau only affects the cosmetic appearance of the player's character. Outfits can be looted from chests, crates, dropped by enemies, or purchased from merchants.


You're not just a dick head, you're a dicks head.


Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau Information

  • Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau only affects the cosmetic appearance of the player's character


Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau Acquisition


Attention Whore's Phallus Chapeau Notes & Tips

  • ??
  • Other notes, tips, and trivia go here.



Wasteland 3 Outfits
Attention Whore's Piss-Baby Sex Boots  ♦  Attention Whore's Tu-tu  ♦  Bear Suit  ♦  Clown Outfit  ♦  Commoner Outfit  ♦  Elf Outfit  ♦  Fancy Suit  ♦  Gorilla Suit  ♦  Hipster Outfit  ♦  Mime Outfit  ♦  Ragtag Outfit  ♦  Rancher Outfit  ♦  Santa Outfit  ♦  Scientist Outfit  ♦  Scrapper outfit  ♦  Vampire Suit  ♦  Worker Outfit


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